Educational Elements in the Alottabotz® Books

All of Lynn’s Alottabotz® books are colourful and cheerful, featuring detailed illustrations and rhyming text. These books are ideal for reading aloud to a class, and each one addresses common topics in an engaging and approachable way that children will enjoy.

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The cover of Alottabotz® Book One: The Botshop

Book One: The Botshop

Timothy Bot and his family move to a new town.

- moving, making friends, loneliness, making things in a workshop, getting a dog, meeting people

  • imagine what it would be like to move to a new place
  • suggest ideas for making new friends
  • talk about animals that make good pets for humans

ISBN: 9781739063207

The cover of Alottabotz® Book Two: Marvellous Things

Book Two: Marvellous Things

Tim’s grandfather makes pet bots for the people in their neighborhood.

- pets, moving to a new town, building things, community projects

  • guess why Cyberland City didn’t allow pets
  • talk about having the power to change things
  • discuss volunteering and community
  • talk about making things with recycled materials

ISBN: 9781739063214

The cover of Alottabotz® Book Three: A Dog With No Name

Book Three: A Dog With No Name

Tim’s dog runs away and needs Tim and his Grandbot to come to the rescue.

- dog training, handling a tense situation, fish and underwater animals, submarines

  • discuss why it’s important to train your pets
  • talk about the dangers of water
  • have kids think about other ways of rescuing Rusty

ISBN: 9781739063221

The cover of Alottabotz® Book Four: The Big Trip

Book Four: The Big Trip

Tim and his family take a journey on a big spaceship.

- a parent travelling for work, going on a trip, space travel, travel, being homesick

  • have kids think about or talk about places they’ve gone
  • get them to illustrate the stars and planets the bots may have seen
  • talk about space and space travel

ISBN: 9781739063238

The cover of Alottabotz® Book Five: A Little Kindness

Book Five: A Little Kindness

Tim tries to help his friend, Pella, who gets bullied by other kids.

- going to school, being different, learning differences, bullying, kindness, problem solving

  • talk about how we are all different from one another
  • discuss how differences can become advantages
  • brainstorm what Grandbot could make for other bots to help them out, too

ISBN: 9781739063245

The cover of Alottabotz® Book Six: The Best Prize

Book Six: The Best Prize

Tim and his dad enter a fishing derby and catch a surprise.

- fishing, competition, underwater life, caring for animals

  • talk about rare species of animals
  • have the children draw a rare kind of fish or bird
  • what are the strangest, silliest animals on planet Earth?

ISBN: 9781739063252